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Zh. Pernebek

National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Z05H0P9, Kazakhstan

D. Babenko

Innovative Center ArtScience, Nur-Sultan, Z00T3X6, Kazakhstan

D. Tarzhanova

Department of General Pharmacology, Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Z10H9A6, Kazakhstan

I. Uyzbaeva

Department of General Pharmacology, Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Z10H9A6, Kazakhstan

Zh. Khassenbekova

Department of General Pharmacology, Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Z10H9A6, Kazakhstan

S. Kozhakhmetova

National Center for Biotechnology, Nur-Sultan, Z05K8D5, Kazakhstan

A. Kushugulova

National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Z05H0P9, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan society of researchers of human microbiome, Nur-Sultan, Z05H0P9, Kazakhstan

S. Kozhakhmetov

National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Z05H0P9, Kazakhstan
Department of General Pharmacology, Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Z10H9A6, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan society of researchers of human microbiome, Nur-Sultan, Z05H0P9, Kazakhstan


This study shows the potential of probiotic dairy product to modulate the gut microbiota. The effect of the product on the intestinal microflora was determined by examining the fecal microflora of rats before and after 4 weeks of adding a fermented milk probiotic product to the diet. Structural changes in the faecal microflora were studied on the basis of sequencing V1-V3 hypervariable target region 16S rRNA gene. Sequencing results showed a decrease in microbiota biodiversity after taking a probiotic product. Nevertheless, enrichment of the microflora with butyrate-producing microorganisms Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, Lactobacillales and depletion of Porphyromonadaceae, Eggerthella, Romboutsia, Fusicatenibacter and Bacillus, which are not belong to the order Lactobacillales.


Gut microbiome, rats, probiotic yogurt, microbial diversity, short-chain fatty acid

Article Details


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