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A.K. Nakhanov
LLP “Scientific Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 080409, Zhambyl region, Kordai district, Gvardeyskiy, Republic of Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of research on the choice of a stabilizer for strains "CP-65K" and "BIEMG-51" orthopoxviruses, which helps to preserve their biological activity during lyophilization, storage in various temperature and time conditions and transportation.
To select a stabilizing medium that ensures the greatest preservation of the virus during lyophilization and subsequent storage, depending on the composition of protective media, temperature and shelf life, we prepared 3 samples of each vaccine preparation with stabilizing additives: I and V samples consisted of 5 % peptone and 3 % sucrose; II and VI samples - of 3 % peptone and 2 % sucrose; III and VII samples - from skimmed milk; IV and VIII samples - control. All protective media were added to the viral materials in a 1:1 ratio.
As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that of the tested samples of stabilizing media, the most protective property for the strains «CP-65K» CPOX and "BIEMG-51" smallpox vaccine virus had a stabilizing medium consisting of a mixture of peptone (5 %) and sucrose (3 %) in the final concentration, which ensured the safety of vaccine strains for 12 months month. at a temperature of (2-8) °C and minus (40.0±1.0) °C without a significant decrease in their biological activity (6.50±0.14 lg TCID50/cm3 and 6.25±0.14 lg TCID50/cm3, respectively).
cowpox virus, strain, stabilizing medium, lyophilization, storage, stability
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