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S. Turzhanova

Buketov Karaganda Unbiversity, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

M. Ishmuratova

Buketov Karaganda Unbiversity, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

S. Tleukenova

Buketov Karaganda Unbiversity, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

E. Gavrilkova

Buketov Karaganda Unbiversity, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda


The paper presents the results of studying the structure of 6 populations of Scabiosa isetensis growing in Central Kazakhstan. The floristic composition of communities, the ratio of life forms, ecological groups and age spectrum were evaluated. The floristic composition of the populations was 79 species from 56 genera and 23 families, of which the leading are the families of Asteraceae and Fabaceae. Herbaceous perennials predominate among life forms, mesophytes and xerophytes by ecological groups. Such a spectrum of families in populations with Scabiosa isetensis and ecological and biomorphic composition is a vivid indicator of the degree of habitat heterogeneity. Analysis of Jaccard's similarity indices showed similarity in species composition between populations 4 and 5; 1 and 2; 3 and 6, which is explained by similar habitat conditions. All studied populations are characterized by a single type of ontogenetic spectrum - left-handed type with predominance of juvenile individuals, i.e. populations with Scabiosa isetensis are young, developing, and suitable for practical use.


Scabiosa isetensis, Central Kazakhstan, floristic composition, age spectrum, ecological groups, life forms, similarity indices

Article Details


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