Galactosidases Of Strain Bifidobacterium Longum Bim В-813d With Transglycosylating Activity

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A.N. Morozova

Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus, 2, Kuprevich str., Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

N.А. Golovnyova

Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus, 2, Kuprevich str., Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

N.E. Ryabaya

Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus, 2, Kuprevich str., Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

M.E. Safonova

Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus, 2, Kuprevich str., Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus


Activity of bifidobacterial culture B. longum BIM В-813D to synthesize α- and β-galactosidases was investigated. Full genome sequencing and biochemical analysis have revealed isoenzymes with α- and β-galactosidase activities capable in addition to hydrolytic action to carry out transglycosylation reactions yielding galactooligosaccharides.

The obtained data enable to recommend bifidobacteria B. longum BIM В-813D as a key ingredient of probiotic products.


α- galactosidase, β- galactosidase, probiotics, prebiotics

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