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K. Kantor

Institute of Microbiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Kuprevich str. 2, Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

I. Proskurnina

Institute of Microbiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Kuprevich str. 2, Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

A. Arashkova

Institute of Microbiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Kuprevich str. 2, Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

E. Kolomiets

Institute of Microbiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Kuprevich str. 2, Minsk, 220141, Republic of Belarus

Zh. Koshak

RUE "Fish Industry Institute", Stebeneva str. 22, Minsk, 220024, Republic of Belarus

N. Gadlevskaya

RUE "Fish Industry Institute", Stebeneva str. 22, Minsk, 220024, Republic of Belarus

E. Rybkina

RUE "Fish Industry Institute", Stebeneva str. 22, Minsk, 220024, Republic of Belarus


Isolation and screening of sporulating bacteria possessing hydrolytic activity and displaying antagonistic properties toward carp fish pathogens was carried out; identification of isolates was performed and their preventive-curative action was investigated. Microbial consortium formed by the selective strains laid the basis for test specimen of probiotic feed additive; the optimal dosage of its supplying into composite feed rations was calculated.


probiotics, bacteria of the genus Bacillus, feed additive, aquaculture, carp fish

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