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M.Y. Omasheva

Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, 45, Timiryazev str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A.S. Pozharskiy

Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, 45, Timiryazev str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A.D. Maulenbay

Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, 45, Timiryazev str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan

N.A. Ryabushkina

Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, 45, Timiryazev str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan

N.N. Galiakparov

Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, 45, Timiryazev str., 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The Kazakhstan territory belongs to the Middle Asian centre of origin and diversity of apple species. Despite having favourable agro climatic conditions, Kazakhstan represents only 20% of the internal apple market. Modern international requirements for selection and zoning include both phenotypic and genetic characterisation of varieties, which depends on genetic analysis resources. In the present study, molecular-genetic passports for 31 Kazakhstani apple varieties were made for the first time. Samples were collected from five different gardens and analysed using 16 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Established genotypic properties of the varieties (passports) verified information gathered by selectors regarding parentage of the majority of the varieties. The genotyping furthermore allowed for individual discrepancies of samples from certain varieties to be identified. Three samples of the Alexander Aport apple were, for example, genetically identified as hybrids of the Aport variety and an unknown variety. The analysed varieties were tested for the presence of alleles associated with resistance to various aggressive pathogens: apple scab, powdery mildew, and fire blight. Nine markers were used for apple scab, two for fire blight, and five for powdery mildew. The Maksat, Saltanat, and Maximus varieties, which bear the genes of resistance to scab and fire blight, were identified as the most promising varieties for further selection. The Kazakhstani varieties Rashid’s Aport, Bes Zhuldyz, Voshod, Zhana Tan, and Maximus were found to harbour valuable genes for long-term storage, which also makes them an appealing choice for selection.


Malus domestica, apple varieties, genotyping, SSR markers, PCR

Article Details


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