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М.А. Dzhakasheva
Ministry of education and science Republic of Kazakhstan, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan state university, Taukekhanavenue, 5, Shymkent, 160000, Kazakhstan
Р.А. Lieberzeit
University of Vienna, Univeristatsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
We studied an immobilized biocatalyst process based on a multi-enzymic complex consisting of pectinase, cellulase, hemicellulase and β-glucanase, in whicha polyvinyl alcohol cryogel was used as a carrier. The polyvinyl alcohol cryogel is a viscoelastic nonshattering material, which is unabraded, has favorable operational properties for a long duration, is able to take any granule shape, and is appropriate for different reactors with different operating modes. To form cross-linked enzymatic aggregates, a multi-enzymic complex was precipitated by isopropyl alcohol with the simultaneous addition of a glutaric aldehyde solution as the linking agent and reduced cured grape polyuria as the water-retaining agent and filler. The process was studied to include amulti-enzymic complex to the polyvinyl alcohol cryogel matrix. The reduced grape polyuria stabilized the catalytic exoenzyme activity retention at their cross-linking by glutaric aldehyde and negatively influenced enzymes activity in the complex cross-linked enzymatic aggregates content. The gained high-active biocatalyst immobilized to the polyvinyl alcohol cryogel displayed pH stability and high catalytic stability for a long time without any disturbance of the operating regime, and the process has multiple potential applications in winemaking. Due to aporous structure, the matrix of this carrier did not modify reactions catalyzed by the enzyme and resulted in a quality finished product (ruddy wine).
Enzyme immobilization, cross-linked aggregates, pectolytic enzymes, multi-enzymic complex, polyvinyl alcohol
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